just a few words as i design a flyer....

Jan 09, 2008 20:39

....the flyer being for my[or really should say OUR now]gig on the 27th of January at,oh yes,JAMM.
have joined forces with Aidan[guitar],Paul[bass]and Peter[drums] to create a completely new sound to Callow.expect danceables.

recent shizat:
all i can be assed to write about is my birthday.which was a mixed affair,as,due to my and aidan's lack of ID[typical eh?]we were chucked out of the first pub we went to,but we relocated and were fine.i feel for diary purposes that i wish to note who came,as i was suprised by some,like Billy and Alex Helm!!was so happy to see them,i miss my Billy and our ginger-music-group-ness.Lawrence,who gave me an amazingly huge chocolate coin,i've yet to attempt to eat that one!Will and Shakey Jake.Peter[drummerrrrr] and,of course,Aidan.then LEANNE!!who i miss SO much,and it was fucking great to spend time together having a good ol' chat!my new art buddies Katy[who was 22 on the 8th,and i bought her a bufff chocolate cake and felt very happy about doing so,we ate it off of plates 'made' of A6 lined paper and cut it with plastic forks]and Sophie.and Tomric came out,and had a bit of a drink!!!!then after getting chucked out the first place i got attacked by Robert and both tomric and i shat ourselves,so the old lot reunited[me,tomric,robert,daniel and henry]which always feels good and so i was incredibly happy and did not care about the biting cold.poor old netfa though,she broke down on the motorway[she had to go to portsmouth for some looong reason]and so wasn't back in london until 2am,but she kept texting so she was there in spirit.

i still felt quite lonely though,well lonely may not be the word,slightly abandoned,as there were some people i hoped to be there who couldnt[thanks for letting me know,i love birthday texts*grins*]-but it was not that.it was that some people just dont seem to have bothered with me recently,some that ive known for onwards of 4 years and thought i was close to.i thought at least my birthday would mean a message or something from them.but nothing.and that is what upset me.alot has changed since this time last year and i'm feeling it.and most friends have advised me to move on from those people,but its not always as easy as that.

lesson being?your friends dont necessarilly see you in the same way forever,and will eventually drift to the point that they dont consider you to be one anymore.but i obviously dont learn as i still consider them as friends.i should stop writing now,and keep designing.i'll post the flyer up here soon.and hey,at least i got a christmas card from Cathy and Debbie this year!!hopefully that will keep happening like it has done since i first met them!

maya xx
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