Things people should NOT do...

May 10, 2006 17:36

Things people should NOT do...

People should not ignore people no matter what...
People should not make assumptions...
People should not be jealous of someone when they already have someone...
People should not dwell on the past...

Things people SHOULD do...

People should be happy, and content with their lot in life...
People should not turn things that they said would be forever into a lie...
People should care about each other, and believe in the goodness in everyone...

I am just upset, and I felt like I needed to write that in here... hopefully it comes of use to some, and doesn't cause any drama...

you know, I thought after 9 years of childish name calling and childish insults, that I had gained the ability to not let chilish name calling and stabs get to me...

but yeah, I'll admit it, I cried

some people need to grow up, and see the big picture...
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