Aug 10, 2004 20:11
so i saw a political cartoon today in one of the major newspapers. it had a drawing of an old guy stirring a pot labeled "mideast politics" and pouring in the contents of a box labeled "religion". the uncle sam character was stirring a pot labeled "american politics" and yelled out to the old guy "hey! save some for me!"
i thought this was a very funny and on the mark political cartoon. i would like the opinion of everyone else, regardless of what it is or if you agree with me or not. Do you believe that american politics are too saturated with religious ideology? i guess you could call me an agnostic, probably i'll eventually be an atheist. i dont believe in any religion. i feel that when religious ideals are used to formulate political practices it is wrong. i think that george bush's use of christianity to stop stem cell research and attempt to ban gay marriage is wrong and ignorant. as one cnn commentator put it, using christianity to run US politics is like being in ancient rome and reading the entrails of a chicken to advise the roman senate. i feel it is illogical to make decisions based on a faith that is not proven. science is proven. everything can be explained with science, and religion was developed to explain the unexplained. religion is obsolete and should have no hand in our politics. that is MY opinion.
in missouri recently 71% of the voters who showed up voted to add an amendment to the missouri constitution which bans gay marriage. or "defends traditional marriage" as the bigots like to put it. i believe this is more proof that religious politics are alive and well in the united states. what happened to the separation of church and state? the combining of the two supposedly independent entities is resulting in bigotry and the retardation of science, like with bush's ban on stem cell research. i know my opinions now are very different from what they were, oh, 6 months ago, but these are what they are. call me a flip flopper if you will, but this is how i feel.
religion has no role in american politics, or any for that matter. i want your opinions no matter what side they fall on and hopefully we can get a lively debate going...please?