Sep 14, 2008 21:13
Another month has gone by and so my body is mocking me for this birth defect of what's pretty much a woman's body by giving me the worst cramps on the planet, as usual.
This time I was counting the Gap at the mall.. everything else had closed. I had NO supplies on me, much less pain killers. That's the worst part. If I don't get pain killers into my system within 20 minutes of it starting (it takes 40 minutes for pills to work, give or take), I'll be on the floor and probably sick within 2 hours. Yeah. They let me off early.
I pretty much did everything I could while I drove home to keep my mind off it - singing, smoking a Prime Time and ignoring it as best I could. The best was when Bleeding Love came on. "I keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding..." Ain't THAT the fuckin truth?!
Now I'm home, in bed with chocolate, chips and a warm thing on my belly. How womanly a man I am. The pills are kicking in, thank god. But, man.. that fucking sucked.
Apparently people can burn the lining of their uterus to stop the period for 5 years. I heard about this long ago and someone at work mentioned it today. I wonder how painful and/or dangerous a procedure like that is. I'm going to read up on it. Cos at this rate, I'm going to cut my own insides out. >_