Busy busy busy!

Oct 16, 2010 02:04

I've gotten so busy this week - the reality of moving to New Zealand has finally hit, I think, and there is just so much to do! I've packed up most of my room, and packed my bag for New Zealand. However, it's 7kgs too heavy and as it's €11 per KG excess baggage, I need to cut down on some things. I don't know what yet, but I'll figure it out. I've been particularly ruthless so far, so I'm not sure exactly what to leave behind, but I'm not worried. Worst comes to the worst, I'll cut it down a bit and just pay the excess. I don't want to pay more than €50 though.

It's hitting me that I'm actually going too - at odd moments. When I'm sitting on my own, or when I'm cooking dinner, or when I'm thinking of what to do with the odd bits and bobs that I need to get rid of, or give to someone or something. I'll miss everyone, of course, but I'm so excited about going that it's kind of eclipsing that. I am really worried about when I get there though - the last time Anna lived at home so I could hang out with her, and while that was a bit lame as she was my little sister, she was pretty much the only friend I had on the trip, other than Jonny and Bina, who I only got to see three times. So I'm hoping I'll make more friends this time, especially as Anna doesn't live at home anymore. Which is a shame, as she's 20 now, so not just my teenage sister but an actual adult who I can hang out with. (I use the term 'adult' loosely, Anna is a mess, most of the time, and not very grown up at all. I'm sure there will be MUCH more about her when I'm over there. She's already annoyed because I won't ditch my dad the first day I'm there and stay with her instead in Auckland - 3 hours from my Dad. Not to mention I'll be jetlagged. Ugh.)

Anyway, very excited, super busy, but wanted to update so I actually have a chance at remembering this mental time. More later (and by later, I mean next week, when I'm in England and actually will have nothing to do!)

anna, flight, baggage, busy, england, new zealand

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