
Jul 03, 2004 10:51


Today, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., we had a car wash for club soccer. It was alright. We made lotsa money. And it was funny because Erika, Aline and Amanda were holding signs up on the corner and these guys gave them an invitation to a birthday party! Crazy. We also got a lot of those big trucks to honk. Sooo, after the car wash Melisa and Amanda came over to what you may consider "hanging out". Then when it was time for Melisa to leave, Tanner locked my moms room which had her stuff in there. so there was a little delay.

Gosh, it has been kind of boring lately. Oh yeah, my trip to Target. Well my grandma and aunt and everyone and their mother came over so me,Amanda and my cousin, oh yeah my grandma too, well uhh. Oh yeah we went to Target and us 3 were just walking around by ourselves and we were getting hungry sooo we went to the candy aisle and tried to look for something that was under a buck 75. And my cousin Chyenne was wearing my sweatshirt so it was kinda big on her and it kinda made her look poor. And us 3 kids walking about Target made us look even more poor-er. So then we were in this aisle with like cookies and stuff and this worker was by us and my cousin was like "Oh we can put our money together then we will have enough money to buy some cookies"....The lady looked at us like we we were..Freaks i guess you can say. And that's attractive. Don't you think?? Alright enough about that. Well now that i'm back at home, i'm back to being bored.

Oh yeah!! My aunt, since she is like a witch but shhh!, anyways, she reads these cards about you and it's scary cause everything she mentions fromt he cards is really true! Come by my house for a special reading, BUT it will cost you $10.00. Just come and make sure you hand the money to me.Ok? Ok, maybe not. The sun from today is getting to me. I better run. Catch ya later.
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