Last fall a friend of Bettie's got me a part time job teaching for the English department. This was a great job as the English students were far more interesting than most of the business majors. The biz majors all want to start a business and get rich. Annoying predictable. The English majors were far more interesting and fun with a bigger variety of ideas and perspectives.
Halfway through the semester I decided to thank Bettie's friend, so I invited her and her American husband to go to the seafood buffet at the Holiday Inn to thank them for the great chance. Though I do not like seafood I do like Sushi, which is excellent there.
So dinner was going great until I was browsing the food (my 4th trip I think) and a little Chinese boy came up to me and started talking in English. I talked to him because I thought I might as well make peoples encounters with foreigners as pleasant as possible. Especially children. So I talk to this kid for a few minutes trying to be as nice as possible... but you know that
and then his dad comes over, and starts talking to me. He really can't speak English very well, but I talk as much as I can. Somewhere in here his son whispered to me that his father started drinking very early this morning. He keep trying to invite me to have a beer with him, which I would but I had people waiting for me. I explained it to him and returned to my table, so he sent beers over for both guys. When he came over we thanked him, and I made the mistake of inviting him to sit with us. He spend the next 20 minutes asking if we could be friends and saying things like "I very love Ken!" and "I very want to be friends!". Multiple times. Each.
Cindy got rid of him by telling him we have some business to attend to, but he rejoined us at his first chance. Eventually she convinced his kid that his father had too much to drink and he dragged his dad away. Eventually he fell asleep in the restaurant and on the way out we were careful not to wake him up.