Jul 15, 2005 22:06
So funny story bout this idea i have....
i wanted to make some of my salsa that is hella hot.
so i got all the ingredients tonight and made salsa.
i didn't realize how bad i am at judging proportions so...
i now have about a half gallon of salsa...
yes that is right a half gallon isn't it insane!!!
so my big idea to get rid of this salsa is to do something all day on either
monday or tuesday....at my house...we can play games watch movies or anime if
all i ask is that people bring some chips and something to drink...pop will work
but do realize i have hella hot salsa and we'll want lots of milk or bread to stop
the burning ....trust me.
leave me some feed back on this idea. i'll be home again on sunday between 8 and 10 pm....i think
on the other random note i did really well on my AP tests i'm so happy.
4 stats
4 psych
4 comp. sci.