May 05, 2004 23:00
god damn wut is wrong with people...
i thought i was gonna have a hard time finding and keeping a girlfriend but damn i make it look easy compared to most of my friends.
i got a love triangle where many guys like one girl and she likes the one that doesn't,
i got a couple who have been together for many months but fight constantly
i got love sick guys complaining about how girls treat them
this is the most pitiful thing i've ever experienced.
i have one simple phylosophy that works
"go with the flow and hold no grudges"
and also "never stay with someone that you only like for their body or get annoyed with easily".
all the drama with peoples love lives just makes me sick really.
its not that hard
really.... it isn't.
this is becoming so difficult i think i need to go to 3rd grade where i don't ever have to worry bout this cause back then boys basically hated girls and the same the other way round.
all i have to say is this,
if your gonna do someting go for it or call it off and don't be pissed if the person you like or who likes you isn't working out or if their being obsessive.
the only time it's worth it to be pissed is if you tell them off and they still hang on every word, or know wut you've worn for the last few days cause that's just creepy and they need a restraining order.
-fixe this plese