Feb 28, 2005 22:35
Well right now I am a little bummed. Why? Because I have a pulled muscle in my lower back, that or a huge knot that isn't allowing me to do anything. I really wanted to hack tonite seeing that it is snowing and I have nothing else to do. O well....However, I did get to hack on Saturday in Continenatal Airlines Arena at the Steven Curtis/Chris Tomlin/Casting Crowns concert with Mark, Courtney, and Johnny Bosse. We all hacked at the top of the arena, actually the landing/aisle behind the last seats in the upper-deck. IT WAS AWESOME.....We all had to make sure that we didn't kick it down the rows or have someone fall down the steps, that could have been bad.....But we did have some nice kicks while playing up that high, and the wall was an excellent thing for me to kick off of, which I did a lot. Sweet times kickin the hack up that high in a spot of light about 6 feet in diameter; times that I can only look back on to help calm or release this back pain. All I know is that it shall get better and I shall be back to hacking soon. So until next time....Peace Out!! Col. 3:23-25
1. Bennigan's Restaurant in Marlton, NJ after David Crowder(John, Courtney, Di, and more)
2. Independence Hall in Philadelphia (Mark)
3. Dunkin Donuts(Mark)
4. Subway(Mark & John)
5. Between Dunkin Donut's and Subway's combined doorway(Mark)
6. Top of Continental Airlines Arena(Mark, John, Courtney)
7. Jesus Book and Gift Store(John)