Nov 13, 2005 14:56
There are people who seem to believe that just because you have a depressive disorder that somehow your loving heart/funlovingness is merely a facade... when in fact it's actually the real me trying to fight to stay on the surface.
(Now I'm trying not to smile thinking of that bit in Emo's show where the girl says "I have cramps!"....)
Goes to show how little people really know... and how little the warped things they think about me are worth being concerned about. :)
For the record, I've never thought that about them.
And there is also a widespread belief that dark thoughts and feelings should not be discussed among friends, just "professionals."
And this journal was for... what, then? :)
But yes, I've learned my lesson. I won't try to express my feelings anymore. People prefer you to just bottle it up and sell it to shrinks, in a dim-litted room downtown somewhere... where they won't have to listen.
I'm glad that psychic told me I'm meeting my husband in 4 1/2 years. That tells me I will have gotten myself together enough to meet someone who will put up with me. He didn't envision a divorce, either. And believe me, that's the first thing I asked. :) He owns a small business.
Maybe he's a psychiatrist! lmao *snort*