Oct 26, 2004 11:08
I can't stand this at work, this old routine. You show up at 8:39 instead of 8:30 and someone, usually a manager or higher up comes up later in the day and says "What happened to you this morning." I always want to sarcastically say, missed everyone saying morning and getting their coffe and donuts. Nobody starts working anywhere until after they have had 10 minutes to bullshit, get coffe, piss, shit, ect.
I met someone online that said they left the game Everquest and Star Wars Galaxy due to violent people. I think I annoyed her when I pointed out that D&D type games and anything with the word WARS in the title, is probably gonna involve some kind of conflict. My opinion is if you want to play some pussy ass online thing where noone can hurt you, then go chat on aol or play some scrabble.
Do any of you New Yorkers feel that Rudy G. is a bug fucking ass clown dick head. The guy is a ghoul, cashing in on 911 and licking Bush's Asshole.
Anyone out there think Vietmanese Eggrolls are better that Chineese Eggrolls? Is it the fish sauce or something else. I think it's the fact that most Chinese eggrolls are just frozen crap and stuffed with too much cheap cabbage.
I think one of the biggest fucking pet peeves I have is people reading what I am looking at on the web over my shoulder at work. Its especailly anoying when they are there for awhile and I dont realize it.
Fucking snoops.