we flew down to the texas hill country and spent a week at the
kerrville folk festival. we hadn't been to the festival since 3 years before, so it was a great big reunion with many folks. nathaniel proved to be a great traveler & camper yet again (he had been in the past, but I was a little nervous that it would be much harder since he's now more mobile.)
yes, again with the drumming. i think we have a budding percussionist on our hands. we also had some wild baby bed-head with the camping in the texas heat.
the terrain was pretty rocky, and nathaniel has a fondness still for shpowing whatever he finds into his mouth. so he was often in the stroller or in our arms to avoid access to all the rocks, the occasional cigarette butts, etc. that meant that inside the tent was the only place he could really crawl around to his heart's content. he was like a wild animal inside the tent. this is a decent depiction of the rascal:
with our friend vanessa in the staff kitchen:
more with vanessa. nathaniel loved all those beads she was wearing
lacie came to the festival for just a day, and it was great to catch up and introduce her to nathaniel. they became fast friends:
jamming along:
lacie has a band called "uke & saw". nathaniel looooooved the ukelele. it's really a pretty perfect baby-sized instrument.
i think it was wise to have nathaniel play along on the uke rather than the saw. that's pierre on the saw, by the way.
classic pose, with his feet propped up:
oliver goofing off with one of the golf carts and some kiddos
i should mention that there has been a population explosion of the next generation of kerr-kids. here is a small selection
with palmer
karma cards are a kerrville tradition - towards the end of the festival, a woman walks around with a box of karma cards (really they are language vocabulary flash cards. it's always a different language. this year's happened to be arabic.) and you pick one out of the box at random. in this picture you see, from top to bottom, nathaniel's, mine, and dan's. weird, huh? can you say "one of these things is not like the other"?