Feb 12, 2008 12:36
I'm only posting this here because OD has been down for one million hours and I NEED TO PUT IT SOMEWHERE.
Welll, it has come to this: typing an entry in gmail because OD has been down for about TEN YEARS. OMG. Does this remind anyone else of the Olden Days of OD? Is anyone else having random panic attacks without it? What the hell did I used to do before OD? HOW DID I LIVE?
The good news is that placement agency #1 called me today with an interview for tomorrow at 3.30. It's not at a law firm but instead at a Registered Agents office. In Delaware all corporations need to have a registered agent so if they were to be served in a litigation matter, you would serve the registered agent and not the business themselves. Beyond that, I know nothing else of how the office is run or what a RA does. I don't know what my duties would be or for whom I would be working. Are agents lawyers? Are they regular people? Are they aliens? It's hard to say.
I'm told it's for an entry level legal assistant position and it is, in fact, still in the legal field. I drove to the office tonight after work because I'd wanted to make sure it was in a decent neighborhood (I've made the mistake before of not doing that it and it turned out to be in a horrible, shady neighborhood. I turned around and went home without interviewing.) The neighborhood is not only nice, but really close to a lot of businesses, restaurants, a Borders, etc. And the office building itself, while small, seems really nice with a lot of windows. So, so far it's a bunch of pluses. It all comes down to what my job duties would be and pay. I can't can't can't go down in pay. I can stay the same or go up, but I can't go backwards. I'm going to be 30 in six months and I'm not about to kill myself for two years in school and two years at PCA to go backwards.
It's probably a temp to perm position which means I'll most likely get paid shit for the however-many-months probationary period, but after that I need to at least make what I'm making now. So, we'll see.
I'm nervous about the interview because I hate interviews in general, but for the most part I feel excited because for the first time in a while I feel like there's an out. I have the last interview of the day so hopefully I'll make a good/lasting impression. It's been a long time since I've been on a real interview, though. The last one I can remember is for the 9-1-1 position seven years ago where I had to meet with two separate people. The animal hospital was more of a "working interview" (and I was way, way over-qualified for that job so Linda barley interviewed me. She just gave me a chance to work in the kennel to see if I'd like it) and my interview for PCA was 45 minutes of Lovedy yammering on about nonsense. I barley had to answer any questions. I think at one point I may have nodded off.
But, Justin just got a great job in a really big company and had to interview with SEVEN DIFFERENT PEOPLE. So if socially-awkward Justin can do that and make it out in once piece, I can do this.
As much as I hate PCA, I feel really bad lying to Lovedy. I told her I had a doctor's appointment and she's letting me leave without making me use sick or vacation time but told me to take short lunches to make up for the lost time instead. She always has liked me and always speaks very highly of me and I don't dislike her as a person, but she makes for a terrible "office manager" and she's a shitty people person.
The good news is that BigBoss is on vacation for the next 12 days and I would LOVE to be gone by the time he got back... or at least on my way out.
Welp, Day Two without OpenDiary. @!#%@#$
I'm a crazy person - I admit it.
I have a second interview today at 2.00. I'm cutting it close but they're both very close to each other, so I should be okay and maybe if Interview #1 knows I have Interview #2, they'll decide quicker.
It sounds like an amazing opportunity and I'm crossing my fingers hard that I can get in. I'm interviewing for an Admin Assist position for the paralegals and attorneys in the trademarking division in a subsidiary office of Lee Jeans. Free parking, full benefits, probably pretty high pay since it's in a corporate field and DISCOUNT ON ALL PRODUCTS. Hello?! Even if I don't WEAR any of it, I'll take clothing discounts for gifts and shit. Heh. Anyway, I'm nervous/excited/pooping myself/vomitting in my mouth. I'll be meeting with the Assistant General Counsel which makes me want to pass out. I am very easily intimidated, if you haven't already noticed.
I emailed Lovedy to tell her that my doctor's appointment was bumped up and I have to leave at 1.00 instead of 2.30. She wrote back "ok, then you can come back to work after the appointment." Ehh. Sure. It's a good thing I can email from my phone now because she'll be getting an email from me while I sit in my car stating that I'm stuck at the doctor's. Oh, shucks.