Life, the Universe and Everything

May 24, 2008 21:16

I've had an absolutely mad week. Here are some random moments.

1. cadeira did a podfic of Metastasis which can be found in amplificathon, here. I gather that she was attempting to garner 'points' within the system, which were in part determined by the number of fandoms covered in said podfic. I think she rather hit the jackpot with that one *g*

2. Saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, like everyone else seems to be doing. It felt a bit creaky to me (to paraphrase a newspaper review, more buckle than swash) but reasonably entertaining. Cate Blanchett is really quite stunning - somehow, I have never noticed this before. I also love John Hurt as a matter of principle, although I was mildly surprised that he was still alive - I guess he's always looked like that, though *g*. On the lesser known side, I'm very much afraid Shia LaBeouf's name makes me think of, like, a brand of canned stew or something. I'm sorry. He's very appealing, though. I was slightly annoyed that Indy didn't pass the hat onto the kid at the end, though. Sure, it's a cliche, but that's also kind of why they exist. I thought it was both thoroughly selfish and unsatisfying of him not to do so. Or does it mean we're going to get "Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Walking Frames" next?

3. Had teriyaki beef pizza for dinner. Mayonnaise was one of the topping ingredients, plus it came with a packet of fish flakes and seaweed that you could sprinkle on top. It really tasted a whole lot better than it might sound. Would eat again *g*.

4. Just finished watching Balance of Terror (TOS), which is one of those eps I've never seen before, and it was glorious. Mark Lenard always looks good in pointy ears, and it was all very gripping. I thought by the title that it would end up in a stalemate kind of situation, and was rather surprised that it... didn't. I don't remember the summaries that well, obviously. Also, while I don't think Kirk/McCoy is a terribly popular pairing, the slash starts right here, people. With Kirk angsting over making the right decisions, and McCoy validating Kirk's place in the universe with a hand on his shoulder all the while. Awww. I also noticed the way Kirk's eyes lit up when McCoy walked in, in a way they completely failed to do with Janice, although the earlier eyelash fluttering was hopelessly suggestive nonetheless, because Kirk just can't help it. And we also had much-maligned Spock to the rescue of bigoted crewmembers! Love. It was just a really nicely well-rounded story, with all the subplots topped and tailed.

5. American Idol: YAY! I did very much want to believe. That's got to be the first time the coronation song has actually sounded that good. I didn't really pay much attention to the rest of it though.

6. I'm now reading Neil Gaiman's 1602, which is fabulous.

7. Still haven't had a chance to rewatch House yet. But did we ever get a clear answer as to where on earth Wilson spent those night(s) he obviously wasn't at home? I mean, we're 'missing' at least one night there before House realises who mystery woman is, aren't we? Unless I have my internal timeline screwed or something, which is highly possible because I haven't gone back to analyse. evila_elf did come up with one possible answer for me, but I hate it (;P) so I want alternatives (I'm not repeating it, because she might be posting a drabble on the topic, so) XD
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