Only managed nine fannish works this year, not all of them even Sherlock-related. In chronological order:
Sherlock: Special Wedding Edition (vid, Sherlock/John)
Easily the most "popular" thing I did this year, with 55K+ hits, which is nice, although probably a lot of people on Youtube were looking for Sherlock's *actual* wedding speech and were horribly disappointed *g*. Relatively easy to put together, since I swear the episode was basically shot to enable such a vid - it wasn't even a dare so much as an engraved invitation. Appeared to mostly make people happy, but attracted a few scornful anti-shipping comments as well, which is unsurprising.
Game Theories (Mycroft/Sherlock)
This was sparked by
dioscureantwins complaining about Mycroft and Sherlock playing their undignified game of Operation rather than a more stately game of chess (a justifiable complaint, although I personally thought it was hilarious *g*). I thought a drabble or double drabble about each Operation piece, tying it into a Holmescestian backstory might make for a cute... thing. Of course, my intended thousand or so words then ballooned by a factor of 10 and got all complicated and bdsm-y. But I did enjoy the challenge. And the bdsm.
All the Towers of Ivory are Crumbling (Mycroft/Sherlock)
My most popular fic this year - I pretty much credit this to
frozen_delight's enthusiasm, for which I am very grateful! <3 It took me a while to process S3, with all its Holmescesty goodness, but I realised what I needed most of all was for Mycroft and Sherlock to dance. And make up, after a fashion. I tried to draw a deliberate wedding parallel with the ending, which may not have been noticed by anyone else, but made me happy.
Dégustation (Hannibal Lecter/Mycroft Holmes)
Inspired by
enigmaticpenguinofdeath and her delightful
crossover gifs. The idea of Hannibal and Mycroft just... works, somehow. I actually think this is one of the better things I've ever written, such as it is, and I do so love Mycroft not being entirely in control. Shifting into Hannibal's perspective gave me a lot of fresh enthusiasm for writing fic in general after so much time spent in the heads of Mycroft/Sherlock/John. I think having him as a focal character forced me to pay more attention to sensory details, whereas with Sherlock fic it's usually very much about the intellectual sparring and mind games (or in the case of John, bewilderment at same). It was a bit odd trying to use American terminology/spelling again, and I probably slipped up somewhere, but I figure Hannibal is from all over, anyway *g*
penombrelilas did a
podfic of this as well, which made me very happy - and her pronunciation of the title is so much more elegant than it sounds in my head. LOL.
Coriolanus - a summary I don't care, I'm totally counting this as a fic even if it only took 20 minutes to write. After seeing both the Hiddleston version and the Fiennes version, it was clear that Coriolanus is basically a mummy's boy.
GQ Cover - Mycroft Holmes
Again, I insist on counting this as a fanwork. My singular attempt at graphic design - primitive, but heartfelt *g*
Displacement (Hannibal Lecter/Mycroft Holmes, Hannibal Lecter/Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes/Sherlock Holmes)
Sequel to Dégustation, in which things get darker and messier. The beginning didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped, but I enjoyed working out the twisty bits and was quite pleased with them.
Like a Boss (Jack Cloth/Tom Boss -
A Touch of Cloth)
Pure joy to write - just one bad joke after another strung together without any discernible plot. I'm still vaguely astounded that there was so little fanfic for a canonical m/m relationship (ie none). Granted, it's an obscure show, but, you know, low-hanging fruit. No pun intended.
No Smoke Without Flame (Mycroft/Sherlock)
Written for
cinderlily33, who won me in the charity auction for Mark Gatiss' birthday. This is the first time I've really written fic "to order" with cash on the line and it was a strange experience. I'm very happy people have liked it, but the writing feels decidedly odd - like me, but not *me*. While I love the leather gloves and smoking as much as anyone, I'd probably never think to focus on them. I also had to keep tight rein on my urge to pile on the angst and squabbling, and they resisted me every inch of the way. But I *think* it turned out fluffy. More or less *g*
Thanks to
evila_elf as always for allowing herself to be dragged into betaing (and listening to occasional whining) <3
I'm offline again tomorrow, so Happy New Year! May 2015 bring you much joy, fannish and otherwise.