So, I'm on book 3, about 6 or 7 chapters in, and I LOVE IT. I remember exactly why I fell in love with the book in the first place, and I'm picking up smaller details I missed the first time 'round. w00t.
Tiredness abounds, naturally, and I'm not doing homework until after which case will take me forever and a day. Have a project on Weimar, Deutschland due, I'm in charge of the Duchess Anna (SOMETHING) Library, the largest library in the area.
I asked Steph what Ben would do if I called him and said "I've noticed you around....i find you very attractive." She thinks he'll crap his pants. So, as mean as that sounds, I am considering saying hi at any rate, wherever it may be I run into him.
I've been listening to Joan Osborne, and at 9 PM tonight Assasins begins. Yeah. I have a terrible feeling Tim will get my name. Utter, utter badness. My paid subscription also expires tomorrow, sniff sniff, but I can deal with that, seeing as I hardly have time to Update in January. However, have been writing in Paper diary and might type some of those entries up.
Thou know'st how guiltless first I met thy flame,
When Love approach'd me under Friendship's name;
My fancy form'd thee of angelic kind,
Some emanation of th' all-beauteous Mind.
Those smiling eyes, attemp'ring ev'ry day,
Shone sweetly lambent with celestial day.
Guiltless I gaz'd; heav'n listen'd while you sung;
And truths divine came mended from that tongue.
From lips like those what precept fail'd to move?
Too soon they taught me 'twas no sin to love.
Back through the paths of pleasing sense I ran,
Nor wish'd an Angel whom I lov'd a Man.
Dim and remote the joys of saints I see;
Nor envy them, that heav'n I lose for thee.
- From Eloisa to Abelard, by Alexander Pope found
here I'm in a good mood. Steph and I wanna dye our hairs blue.
Ich habe einen Vogel. <--- you won't understand unless you're a native German
Life is sehr besser
(edit: was talking to Jess earlier, and we were talking about this coming year. 2005. I'm going to be 20 years old. I didn't think of that. But we talked about how different we were from Freshman year HS to Senior year HS and I noted that I hadn't been through what "normal" people have been through from the beginning of Highschool to the end. I expect college will be the same. We started the 1st year off with a bang, anyway. I never realized how much time has passed. Anyway...i thought back on highschool and I blushed and giggled away because I remembered things I'd thought I'd forgotten. And one memory came specifically into mind. The Amber Spyglass came out, and I had lent it to Eoin to read (I remember) and after reading it we had a "Marzipan" moment...never mind what that means, read the books to understand fully - it's a long explanation. But anyway, continuing on, I was paging through the contents page today, and saw the chapter called "marzipan" and I nearly froze remembering that memory.
Yet another happy memory to put on the books.)