Vrtra Vanquisher + Oh noes, we're trying to take over the server!

Jan 16, 2006 02:50

Title says it all, finally killed Vrtra.

Been meaning to for a while, but due to one reason or another, had to keep postponing until today, and we massacred her. It was an insanely smooth fight, with very minimal deaths (3 fluke deaths total). 1 hour and 35 minutes by Cely's account, not bad at all. Everyone was on the ball and we did very well, congrats to everyone. :)

Couple of pics of the fight:

As well, we accomplished an insane feat today, nabbing all 3 Wyrms within 9 hours, from start to finish. Vrtra Vanquishers -> Tiamat Trouncers -> World Serpent Slayers all in one day, not too shabby at all, I'd say. That's dedication for you. ;P Overall, a very busy day, very tired out. I'm incredibly proud of Spike Flail, huge congrats to everyone for a very smooth and fun day for all of us.

In other news, I finally succeeded in collecting all my Mannequin parts, special thanks to Cairn and Picolo for donating 20 Seals and helping me do Charming Trio BC20 in order to get Mannequin Hands, which I had an insanely difficult time finding in bazaars. Decided to get Female Hume, Mithra and Female Elvaan mannequins for now. ;p

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