Life Changes

Aug 18, 2008 01:52

    The yellowed pages sighed as she turned them, her hands ever-so-lightly touching the paper in an attempt to be gentle. Her gaze wandered over every page, a smile gracing her lips one second, a grimace sweeping her face the next, and sometimes even sorrow had a turn, but she felt mostly smiles.
    She watched a new born baby in her mother's arms grow into a infant, blowing out 2 candles on a chocolate cake. Then the girl was 6, a sheep in the Christmas play with a toothy grin. The sheep grew to be 11, climbing the bus steps that would take her to her first day of middle school. Sweet 16 passed by and graduation soon was a distant memory. Pictures of teary-eyed parents outside of college dorms were closely followed by college graduation.
    The photos slowed down after this, and the images on the pages grew sparse. A church came into view, a happy couple in front of the doors, the little sheep transformed into a newly-wed bride. A new baby pressed itself between the pages, his smile captivating the viewer - the newly weds were now parents. She watched as the little-girl-turned-mother played with her son in the pool, on the swings, in the house. The last picture was of the first little girl, her mother, and her son, smiling happily at the person beyond the frame.
    She returned their smile, smoothing the wrinkles on her mothers face with a light finger. Closing the photo album, she ran her finger over the letters typed into the leather cover, thinking of how appropriate it was for such a book. It described exactly what it held: "Life Changes."

I was trying to go more for the feel of how you change through life >_< Like the woman looking through the photo album watches herself grow up from being a little girl in her mother's arms, to being a mother herself.
Now that I've read it a second time and edited it a little, I kinda like it :)
For prompt 342 of
all_unwritten btw, "life changes"


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