Catching Up (About Time)

Nov 19, 2008 23:57

 Time to post my responses to some all_unwritten prompts. I have been responding to some, I just haven't done my normal copy pasting them into the journal here. So now, after responding to today's prompt (or, technically yesterday's seeing as it's past 12:00 am), I shall take the time to refill my journal :)
424 "Graves"

The graves lay spattered across the field like grey spots on a canvas as she stepped through the gate. 
     She didn't know what she'd come here for. Besides, it was just a silly dare. Everyone knew ghosts weren't real. But she had to prove herself.
     She carried the white ribbon in fingers just as pale, the moon reflecting the color in its essence. She knew where the grave was, everyone did. It was the biggest one there and hard to miss.
     The angel's face looked as it normally did, closed eyes pointed towards the ground, hands outstretched, wings folded against her slender be-robed body. But something didn't feel right.
     Not for the first time, she wondered why the statue was made to be looking down. Most heavenly creatures pointed their eyes to the sky, their homeland among the clouds. But this one seemed to be blindly watching its detainee, like it didn't need eyes to see what was happening beneath the sodded turf of the cemetery.
     All she had to do was tie the ribbon onto the wrist of the angel, tie it tight so it didn't fall off, and she would be done.
     Step by painstakingly forced step she read the graves of the dead as she passed. She'd been through here many times, a short-cut on the way to school, but that was during the day time, and that wasn't when it was All Hallows Eve.
     Before she would have liked she was standing a foot from the angel. She knew she was six feet above Old Man Fields. She'd seen zombie movies before. She didn't like the rustling in the bushes at the back of the lot. But she tried not to think about any of them.
     A cold hand reached for the wrist of the silent guardian, the white ribbon whispering through the suddenly-chilly air. A quick loop and pull and the ribbon was on.
     Well that wasn't so bad, she thought to herself, re-reading the tombstone once more.
     "Here lies Mr. Timothy Fields, a man to be respected and feared. May the angels keep watch over his soul."
     Maybe that's what the angel was doing . . . You don't need eyes to see a soul, souls aren't physical things.
     A movement caught her eye as a shadow darted across the stone.
     The moon was very bright in its silver halo but she could not see the moon behind the outstretched wings as her eyes came up to meet the chilling gaze of a stone angel.

A white ribbon lay twisted and smeared in front of the grave of Old Man Fields, an angel with closed eyes keeping watch over it forever.

425 "Help me!" (Back to my old depressing self on this one.)

"Help me! Help me!"
She cried to the sky
but no one could hear her,
so alone would she die.

433 Photo Prompt

She had never really liked those porcelain plates and delicate wine glasses poised forever still in the cabinets. Needless to say, taking a hammer to their shiny facets brought out the most satisfying noise she'd ever heard.

------434 Libation

Staring at the word wasn't helping. Staring at the wall didn't seem to help either. Staring at the dictionary on the bookshelf next to the wall was definitely not helping. If only she was allowed to use a dictionary. Then this stupid word wouldn't be so hard to define. Who knew what a "libation" was anyway? She was beginning to think her teacher was making up words just for the fun of watching her students fail.

435 Under the Sun (Hah, if only I'd thought of this for the creation story I had to come up with for my mythology paper - I could have also used it to describe why it rains - the guy's sweat for those of you who don't get the connection - which would be disgusting, but hey, it didn't have to be logical - after all, it is mythology.)

Man, standing here under the sun all day everyday is tough work. I swear I might just sweat to death, but it has yet to happen to my surprise and disdain. But watching you little humans is rather amusing, what with your "wars" and "love" and what-not. Two polar opposites existing in the same space time, amazing. You guys don't know it, see it as "advancing," but most of your actions are insignificant or harmful. I can see Earth wasting away, but you guys still have time. Your generation won't see the end of it all, but most of your stuff in this century has been crap. Although, I must say, those viral internet videos are pretty amusing. I wish I had a ninja cat . . .
     *grunt* . . . Damn, this sun is heavy.

picture entry, real life, all_unwritten

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