Superman can see through walls! Oh junk!

Oct 11, 2008 11:33

     "I wouldn't want to be able to see through walls." Ana said, matter-of-factly. "That's an invasion of privacy."
     "Nuh-uh! It's pretty cool! You can see all the people and what they're doing!"
   "Yeah, exactly. What if you were showering and Superman happened to come by and look through the wall?"
     "Superman's not gay, he wouldn't do that." Andrew looked towards his Superman figure next to the dresser. It was right outside the bathroom door.
     "Well then I guess I better start showering with clothes on if you get the power to see through walls."
     "Eeew, like I'd want to see you naked anyways!" Andrew stuck his tongue out at the thought. "And besides, if Superman can see through walls, why couldn't he see through cloth?"
     "Well did you ever read about Superman seeing through clothes? No, that can't happen." Ana followed the thought through her head as it lead to a new conclusion. "I guess everyone should just start making their houses out of cloth then."
     Andrew just glanced at his sister from the corner of his eyes before snorting and walking out.

lulz, anyways, yes, if you ever see Superman around, make sure you're not showering or your house is made of cloth. Besides, he can only see through walls, so who's to say he can see through floors and ceilings? Yes, I know, I'm taking that power rather literally, but that's the point ;D lol
And there was no prompt for this one, it was just brought up in one of my random trains of thought as I was thinking about how my shower is right next to the dorm hall way.

my thoughts on life, humor, ana

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