Oct 06, 2004 17:12
it never struck me until I started to listen to music again how many songs has so many religious based lyrics. Evanesence, I feel is all about religious lyrics. Music, as is art, is in the eye of the beholder. It is up to you to interpret how something appears to you. Music can reflect on anything you interpret it as. For instance "My Immortal" by Evanesence can be precieved as a story about someone who lost someone they held dear to them. This person they held dear to them would always be there for them as the song suggests. However it could also mean that this individual is God Himself. When we think of a individual or about a song that talks about an individual we think instantly the woman or man we love. However if your open to interpertation and not closed minded you can hear the other message as well. Songs has so many hidden messages that it sometimes becomes hard to distinguish these messages hidden deep in the song. And no I did not read any articles that say this. These come from my own thoughts through thinking about things. I know people probably didn't think it was possible that I can be this smart at times, but ....well I'm jumping off of track.
Anyway I have my Critical Thinking class today. My group and I have to stand in front of the classroom and present our ideas. What are our ideas? Well we were given the following scenario: We are the board of a High School in Minnesota and it is the only one in the State. Anew law has recently reduced property tax by one half, drastically reducing our available budget. You, as the board, must eliminate programs to save the school from shutting down. You must eliminate $550,000 and we cannot cut back on one program. The principal has told us he want's us to eliminate whole programs instead of reducing the money intake they get.
Well we did it and we did it without putting the blunt of the school's problems on the students. We minimized the amount of responsibility that the students will have to endure. Instead the group and I decided to put the responsibility on the teachers. We let go some of the teachers and we also let go some upper managment as well. We felt that since we reduced the teachers there is no need to have so many managers. We also did away with the finding for sports because we figured the clubs and sports can do their own fund raising. We were going to do away with the special language class, which taught non-basic languages such as Russian, Hebrew, and others that proved non essential, but we decided to keep that program. We also decided to give the students only three years of English and three Years of Math instead of four. We also did away with classes that were not neccessary to graduate such as journalism, photography, and various others. Since we reduced the number of classes that a student had to take we figured to also shorten the school day every day by one hour and twenty four minutes. See were smart lol.
Anyway I must run to class now so maybe I update later. If you have any questions about my posts please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you
and for those who havn't done so if I had your number you must e-mail me your number again since my phone was stolen. lata all