Dec 24, 2010 08:39
That said, the south is weird. Its supposed to rain on Sunday & due to the cold of the north dipping down, we may get some wet snow mixed in with the rain. Not even a dusting, just possibly the occasional wet flake. The way people are talking about it, the way the news is covering it, you'd think Armageddon was upon us! Geez, its only weather people! Chill out! (no pun intended)
Speaking of news, ya gotta love the news down here! They covered the story where the powers that be shut down Terminal A at Newark Airport due to a possible bomb. The lead newswoman asks the reporter on the scene, "How sure are they that there might be a possible bomb in the terminal?" Umm, THEY SHUT DOWN THE TERMINAL! That's how sure they are! And they pronounced Newark as Ne-Wark. Wark? What's a Wark?
God I love the south!