
Apr 10, 2005 02:24

ok so still grounded
and it does suck major ass
funny how many ppl are grounded now
2 more weeks left! woot!

today was quite interesting though
it was so strange cuz earlier i was telling my friend how im never gonna see these boys who are coming into israel who used 2b my friends
and i ended up having this amazing time w/them
the best part is that i know its not perfect but im perfectly fine with it being just ok
im sure ths dosnt make much sense at all
but im happy
knowing that everything is gonna b ok
even if everyone is a little crazy

im pissed my moms making me rake this womens lawn tommorow
for like shit pay
i wanna b a good person i do
but its hard wen u get no sleep, and get payed 5bucks for an entire job
wat am i 10yr old!

ok im done bitching
love yallz!
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