Joe Cheng - DVD and Scans

Dec 07, 2009 20:28

Yes along with the CD/DVD of Loveless came this little precious.
It's his debut as a singer and the CD contents of 5 songs:

01. 不死心 (Unwilling to give up)
02. 王子復仇記 (Hamlet)
03. 暢一首歌 (Cheong a song)
04. 彩色Party (Color Party)
05. 麵包的滋味 (Bread Taste)
(I used google to translate the titles so those may not be the accurate ones!!)

If someone wants the song tell me and I upload them to MU or MF.

But that's not all^^
I also have the DVD where we see Joe touring around Japan on the locations for his Photobook and the calendar. He doesn't say much but the scenery is really beautiful and it seems like he had a lot of fun and his songs were used as backround music :)

Have a safe trip

and last but not least I scanned the calendar, the postcards, and the minicards which were supposed to be stickers (I didn't scan the Photobook cause I didn't want to break it. I f I can figure out a way how to scan it without breaking I will do that too^^):


*raw, artists: joe cheng

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