Apr 27, 2004 21:00
hey fag i only did it becuz i knew that in the end i was goin to end up hookin u up with some faggit. but now i may not dick face. i got pissed when u did it becuz i knew the only way we were goin to get more is when we all buy. this time its just me buyin for your faggit nigger ass ok. and before u go and jump to conclusions that i did it just to laugh in your face. it was all ralphs fault becuz he was all like "no man u all owe me 15 bucks" so i was like no man lets just do these 2 and finish it. becuz i knew by the end of the week i would bealb eto get it + little extra. so screw u man, im spending my own money for u becuz i felt bad that i did it when i said i wasnt and mind yo nigga this was my first time ever doin the stuff that u guys leave at my house. so screw u man.
one love
and remember.......ill end up getting some back to u + little extra then what was already left for you so shut up faggit