Jun 25, 2004 01:01
well today just went to school and stuff which is gay. and like i take the 1240 bus and it came at like 1249 so i got to the other stop late but when i was there this guy came up and like we started talkin and stuff and he just moved here from key west. and like he told me about this flower its called the like somethin trumpet its like a yellow flower and u open it up and take out these little black things and eat them or make a tea. he told me that he made a tea out of it from like those powdered nestea things and like he drank it. and left it out and his family was trippen balls for like 2 days. crazy stuff....so keywest road "trip" anyone?
then i got home at 7 from which is gay... does anyone wanna give ma ride to and back?? willin to pay top dollar.
and tonight was awesome man. went to katys house with genen and carlos mariano was already there with katy.....
well we were just talkin and stuff like katy whips house the seagrams extra dry gin.. at first i was like no man im not a drinker. then she whips out the coke and im like ok. so i mixed gin and coke which i didnt think it was that bad. and that got me like pretty messed up becuz i just have a low tolerence for everythin which i think is awesome. anyway then we go to sebs. then walk around some. then they all go into jeremys old house and like start to steal stuff.
which is you know what do u durin the summer break into an abanded house and do some grand theft.
and man bein in summer school really sucks becuz whill everyone else is like chillin we can only chill like after school. which is gay becuz our days would be so much funner. but whatever it was my fault.
well thats it for now kids.
and remember
the blue bus is callin us.