Life? What's that?

Mar 15, 2010 16:28

...I...I couldn't help it. It's so new and shiny...:<

Okay, I swear to God, this is the last friending meme I'll post in. IN THE MEANTIME, HAVE MORE FANDOM MEMES TO LEARN MY OPINIONS ON STUFF IN FANDOM. None of you really care, do you.

1. The first character I fell in love with: Vivi Orunitia. ^^ Really, do I need a reason? He’s adorable and woobie-tastic, that’s good enough for me.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Eiko Carol. I didn’t expect to like her at first, being a summoner and a healer, but I think she avoided being a stereotype of either, which made me happy.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Several people seem to like Garnet more than I do. It’s not that I don’t like her, it’s just that she’s such a stereotype. An innocent, sweet, beautiful, kind healer/summoner/princess who has the weight of the world on her shoulders and falls for the main hero. GAG. I would have found her more tolerable if the game didn’t keep making an effort to point out to me how beautiful/special/brave/strong she was. Also, the fact that she FAINTS when confronted with her past was irritating, but she got over it, which made me respect her.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Steiner. L So he isn’t your typical Square pretty-boy. So what? He’s got a doofy, lovable personality all the same! If anything, the fact that he isn’t a pretty boy makes me like him even more. Everyone also seems to find him annoying for following Garnet everywhere. Well, he’s doing his job! He’s just trying to protect her!  I should also mention Queen Brahne and Zorn and Thorn. I liked their designs, and actually had quite a bit of sympathy for them.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Amarant Coral, and Freya Crescent. … What? :D
6. The character I’d want to be like: Zidane, Freya, and Vivi. Zidane because he’s happy-go-lucky and an all around nice guy (“You don’t need a reason to help people” and all), Freya because she is so physically and mentally strong (unlike a few OTHER FF females I could mention), and Vivi just for being so mature for his age.
7. The character I’d slap: Zidane. For never hugging Vivi.
8. A pairing that I love: A canon one? BeatrixSteiner, cuz they’re just so adorable and totally made for each other. Noncanon? Freya Amarant, first and foremost. I loved their chemistry throughout the entire game, and thought there could be something there.
10. Favorite character: Vivi, closely followed by Freya. I believe I’ve mentioned all the reasons?
additional questions:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? The fanart, the fanfiction, the overall open-mindedness, the fact that it never seems to be too late to get into this fandom, and the fact that there doesn’t seem to be any all-and-out wars going on within it.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Hmm…Honestly? I have none. I like just about everything about this fandom.
Who are your five favorite characters? Vivi, Freya, Amarant, Beatrix, Zidane. Honestly, though, there’s no character I dislike in this game.
Who are your five least favorite characters? Er…okay, this is going to be hard. Dagger/Garnet, Prince Puck, Quina Quen, Sir Irontail Fratley, Gilgamesh/Alleyway Jack (HE MUGGED VIVI!)
What are your five favorite pairings? FreyaAmarant, ViviEiko (Kiddie romance! So cute!), BeatrixSteiner, ZidaneVivi (…yes, I know what that makes me. Don’t give me that look), FreyaBeatrix (…what? It’s hot, and has such a great potential for angst!) I’d also like to mention that I like KujaGarnet, especially since I sincerely believe in my heart of hearts that Kuja is really a woman. Truth be told, the same way I don’t outright dislike any character in this game, I don’t ourwardly dislike any pairings for it, either.
What are your five least favorite pairings? ZidaneDagger (I DO like it, and the chemistry they have together, really. I just wish the game hadn’t focused so many of its beautiful FMVs on it. I liked the other characters better-let me see more of them, for God’s sake!), FreyaFratley (I like this one, too, I just wish I could have seen more of them together, in order to see what their relationship was like before and after Fratley became an amnesiac), GarnetEiko (I’ve seen it mentioned somewhere. I’d take more of an interest in it, but the possibility of the two of them being related stops me from doing so. I hate to be close-minded, but incest just doesn’t do anything for me), ZidaneKuja (I know they aren’t technically related, but…I dunno, something about it just rubs me the wrong way), and…wow, dang, this is hard…I’ll say ZidaneBlank, which is weird cuz it should be the slash pairing to like, but…I think I honestly prefer them as brothers.
Which character are you most like? Garnet, surprisingly. Except a lot less pretty, a lot less innocent, and without the ability to summon eidolons or use white magic. She’s optimistic and gentle, and has a tendency to take things hard. Sorta like me, except better. Maybe this is the real reason she’s my least favorite character? Maybe.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? Hmm…You know, I think this is it. Nothing more to say. ^^

1. The first character I fell in love with: Razputin, naturally. He’s a sweetie, knows how to stand up for himself, is a scrappy little thing, mischievous, rather unique…need I go on?
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Phoebe Love. Admittedly, I didn’t pay her much attention, as well as the other campers, probably because the first time I played the game I didn’t go through obsessively looking for every snippet of dialogue I could get. (…what? I’m not weird or obsessive compulsive at all!) But then I replayed the game a few times, and got more interested in the campers, and began drawing them…and then I realized, “Holy crap, Phoebe’s awesome! Even if her face does resemble a zombie fish.” It just went downhill from there. Since then, I’ve noticed a lot of things to like about her-she’s a drummer, she’s a pyromaniacal pyrokinetic, she’s nice but takes no nonsense, she has a very close relationship with Quentin that reminds me of the relationship I have with my own sister, and so on and so forth. Also, though I don’t really agree with her sense of fashion, I like her design, what with the bun and the earphones. ^^
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: …Guh! That’s impossible! I love all the characters in this game! ;_; Uh, well…I guess I’ll say that, though I love Raz and Lili and Sasha and Milla, I think everyone else focuses too much on them. The other characters need love, too!
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Elka Doom. I get why a lot of people don’t like her…but I still do. Think about it-Bobby is the typical schoolyard-er , campground-bully  for boys. Elka, on the other hand, is the hallway bully for girls. No, wait, that isn’t right…Bobby depicts negative traits associated with most boys, while Elka depicts negative traits associated with most girls. What really bothers me is that almost everyone likes Bobby for his negative traits, while almost everyone despises Elka for hers. This is probably because most of the fandom is female, as is true with most fandoms, but it still bothers me. Also? I like her more than I like JT and Chops, who most people like more than Elka, but I like her more than both of them combined. She’s got more personality in her left pinky than both of them do in their entire bodies! Also, she is a HELL of a lot of fun to write.
5. The character I would shag anytime: Preferrably? No one. I know-shocking, right? If I had to choose, though, I think I’d choose Edgar (post-Raz tampering, preferrably). He’s a hopeless romantic at  heart-he’d probably be the best in bed.
6. The character I’d want to be like: Several! I wanna be like Milla for her general upbeat-ness (if I had all my children die, I don’t think I’d be able to go on the way she did), Sasha for his levelheaded and calm thinking patterns (minus killjoy mode. “Please, Razputin, germs.” Spoilsport…:/), Raz for his overall badassery, and pretty much everyone at Whispering Rock for the psychic powers.
7. The character I’d slap: Eh…I’ll say that they’ve all deserved a slap at some point or another.
8. A pairing that I love: Another hard one. I love pretty much all the canon pairings of this game. Uh…I guess my abolute favorite one would be SashaMilla. I think they’re my OTP. ^^
10. Favorite character: Phoebe Love, for all the reasons that I’ve already mentioned, and more.
additional questions:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? The fanart, the fanfiction, the friendliness, the discussions, and the open-mindedness (crack pairings galore!)
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? The fact that only the mainest of main characters in this game get attention, that so many fic ideas seem to get recycled, that many favorite pairings are the most obvious ones (Come on, people, this game has an insanely large cast of characters!), the amount of melodrama inserted in some ideas (I’ve seen it work well in some Psychonauts fanworks, but most of it is just…silly. The game doesn’t take itself seriously, why should we?), and the whole level that the shipping aspect goes to (but then, I think all fandoms have that).
Who are your five favorite characters? Aw, man! Well, all right, I’ll try…Phoebe Love, Milla Vodello, Maloof Canola, Ford Cruller, Mikhail Bulgakov
Who are your five least favorite characters? Uh…er…GAH! I don’t have any! T_T
What are your five favorite pairings? MillaSasha, KittyFranke, LobotoCrispin, BobbyChloe, PhoebeMaloof (Crack OTP FTW!)
What are your five least favorite pairings? SashaRaz, FredCrispin, EltonVernon, LiliSasha, MaloofMikhail
Which character are you most like? Fred, without the whole split personality of one of my ancestors thing. That is to say, I am woefully boring and sort of a loser.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? Weeeelll…When I first played Psychonauts two years ago, I was heavily into slash wherever I could get it. I actually tried to get into SashaRaz…Kind of a lame secret, huh? Oh, well. I generally try not to keep secrets in fandom.

1. The first character I fell in love with: Max. Sam came about a fourth of a second afterwards.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Jurgen. I dunno, something about him cracks me up.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Uh…I dunno. The DeSoto? It’s still pretty awesome, anyway.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: The Soda Poppers. :( Well, I thought they were funny…
5. The character I would shag anytime: ...No. >:(
6. The character I’d want to be like: Sam. Max, too, but mostly Sam. Also Sybil. I wanna have that many jobs under my belt!
7. The character I’d slap: The animated statue of Abe Lincoln’s head. I like Sybil, you cheatin’ bastard!
8. A pairing that I love: Uh…frick, I had to pick a fandom meme that I didn’t ship anything in! I guess I like SybilAbe all right, when Abe isn’t being a jerk.
9. A pairing that I despise: Um…again, don’t ship much in this fandom, and don’t have any that I outright despise. I guess I’m not fond of SamMax as anything other than heterosexual life partners. Or…one heterosexual partner and one hyperkinetic rabbity life partner.
10. Favorite character: Sam and Max tie for this.
additional questions:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? The fanart, the fanfic, the multiple incarnations/universes to play around with, the ability to not take anything seriously, and…uh…the music. That totally counts, shut up.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? Only one, really: IT’S TOO SMALL. Seriously, guys, I KNOW you’re out there!
Who are your five favorite characters? Sam, Max, Sybil, the Geek, Jurgen
Who are your five least favorite characters? Abe Lincoln’s head, Conroy Bumpus, the COPS…I think that’s it, honestly.
What are your five favorite pairings? SybilAbe, TrixieBruno, SybilJurgen’s Monster…um…I guess Sam + Max, as heterosexual life partners.
What are your five least favorite pairings? None.
Which character are you most like? I’d like to think Sam. Or Sybil, ‘cause she’s cool.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? After Bright Side of the Moon, I briefly considered SamMax as a pairing. Very briefly. I decided against it.

1. The first character I fell in love with: Miles “Tails” Prower. I thought he was cute, and he was the first Sonic character I ever played as. (my older cousin was Sonic, since it was his console and game) I still find it hard not to like him. Even if every voice actor he's ever had has only made me want to punch his furry little mug.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Silver the Hedgehog. I didn’t actually expect to hate him, just gloss over him (I love hedgehogs and all, but srsly-how many of ‘em do ya need, Sega?) This guy really grew on me, though. He’s such a sweetie.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: This one’s kinda difficult, ‘cause I’ve found something to like about most of ‘em. I guess Knuckles and Shadow kinda share this spot. It’s not that I don’t like ‘em, honestly-I do. They’re both interesting, well-developed characters with a lot of potential, I’m just…not as interested in them as a lot of other people are.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Another one that’s difficult to answer, since a lot of characters that I like are characters that a lot of other people dislike. I think I’m gonna have to say Dulcy, ‘cause where the rest of this fandom ignores or dislikes her, I think she’s adorable.

5. The character I would shag anytime: Rouge, or Vector. Maybe Nack or Manic, or Silver.
6. The character I’d want to be like: Frick, there’s so many I wanna be like. I’d like Sally’s leadership skills, Bunnie’s strength (both inner and outer), Tails’s optimism, Knuckles’s patience, Shadow’s mental endurance (srsly, how is it that he hasn’t gone insane yet?), and Sonic’s attitude. Even if he can be a right lil’ blue bastard at times.
7. The character I’d slap: I think a good deal of them have deserved a slap at some point. At the moment, Rouge in Sonic Adventure 2 is coming to mind. YOU’VE GOT WINGS, YA DUMB BROAD, USE EM.
8. A pairing that I love: I can only choose one? Fine-SonicSally. Probably my first-ever OTP, and one that still gives me warm fuzzies to this day.
9. A pairing that I despise: ‘Despise’ is sort of a cruel word...any pairings that make me scream OGODWHY as a kneejerk response are noncanon and crackish. If you’d like a pairing that does this to me, then...SonicRobotnik. Eggman. Whatever his name is, whatever dimension/universe/world he’s in, he should NOT be romantically involved with anyone. ESPECIALLY not Sonic. Just…WHY, internet. WHY. As for a possible canon pairing I don’t care for, uh…SonicAmy, I guess. Their dynamic in the games just isn’t one I care for. Generally, if someone is visibly nervous around you and seems to be itching to run away from you, YOU LEAVE THAT PERSON ALONE. Also, Amy’s a great character, and I think all her potential and development would disappear if she did get together with Blue Boy. Also also, I support the hero’s girlfriend NOT looking like the hero in a dress.
10. Favorite character: Bunnie Rabbot, though I still have a childish adoration for Sonic himself, and Vector gets an honorable mention just for being awesome.
additional questions:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom? The fanfic, the fanart, the endless possibilities for fancharacters, several different universes to play around with, and hundreds and HUNDREDS of diverse characters in each universe.
What are your five least favorite things about your fandom? The elitists who accompany each Sonicverse, the amount of unpleasable people, the character bashing, and the SHIPWARS. GODDAMN. O.o *twitchtwitch* Also, I suppose this goes for all fandoms, but I’ve seen quite a few fetishes in the Sonic fandom that I don’t care for.
Who are your five favorite characters? Bunnie Rabbot, Sonic the Hedgehog, Vector the Crocodile, Manic the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat
Who are your five least favorite characters? Big the Cat (GOD, he’s creepy…), Storm the Albatross, Antoine Depardieu (SatAM version, not Archie version. Um…don’t tell my sister?), Fiona Fox, Sera…frick, does she have a last name?
What are your five favorite pairings? SonicSally, SonicKnuckles, SallyAmy, VectorEspio, SilverBlaze
What are your five least favorite pairings? AnyoneRobotnik/Eggman, SonicAmy, SallyAntoine, ShadowKnuckles, MinaAsh
Which character are you most like? I’d kill to be like ANY of these characters, really. I guess Elise-she’s a boring human character, so she has no super powers, but she’s got more strength than she, or anyone else, knows.
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? I’ve been shipping SonicKnuckles since I was nine years old. I suppose this is not a secret anymore since I’ve posted it on the internet?

1. The first character I fell in love with: Spyro himself. He’s got to be the most awesome videogame protagonist I have ever had the pleasure of playing. ^^
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sparx, actually. I mean, I never hated him, I liked the relationship he first had with Spyro, and I was always grateful to him for keeping me healthy. I suppose if there’s one thing I like about Legend of Spyro, it’s that it finally allowed Sparx to become a character in his own right. I wanted to punch him in the face several times during the trilogy, but given everything about him, I find him quite respectable. He’s obviously a coward, and he doesn’t try to be anything otherwise. Yet, he still goes with Spyro. Because Spyro is his brother and best friend. If that isn’t admirable, I don’t know what is.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Um…hmm…Honestly? I don’t actually hate any one character in this fandom. Really. I don’t. Unless you count certain versions of the same character, in which I would choose Dawn of the Dragon Cynder and A Hero’s Tail Moneybags. That being said, I guess everyone likes Cynder’s DotD look and voice better than I do, so…yeah.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Uhh…likewise, I don’t think I like anyone that everyone else hates. Guh…Well, I suppose I wish more people would pay attention to the characters other than Spyro and Cynder, and to the characters of the older series, but that’s about it.
5. The character I would shag anytime: This is the one fandom I am not doing this for.
6. The character I’d want to be like: Elora and Bianca! I’m not kidding, I think they were two of my heroines when I was younger. Elora is self-directed, snarky, and independent, while Bianca has magic and a strong will, as well as the ability to recognize her mistakes and overcome them.
7. The character I’d slap: Pretty much everyone in the Legend of Spyro universe. I like the new series, but pretty much all the characters have grated on my nerves at one point or another. Several characters in the older series are not exempt from this, and neither are the characters from the in-between stage of the games.
8. A pairing that I love: SpyroElora. They’re my second-ever OTP (SonicSally was my first), and I like their relationship, being two different species, living in two different places, and having such drastically different personalities, but still working anyway. Plus, they’d make the most adorable little mutant offspring ever.
9. A pairing that I despise: SpyroEmber. I wouldn’t have hated them, but so many other people ship them. It isn’t that I despise the couple so much as I wonder why anyone else would ship them so hard. I don’t understand a good portion of you, Spyro fandom.
10. Favorite character: Elora. I get the feeling Razzek had a hand in this, but also because she was the first female character in the series with a name, personality, and purpose, one which was not limited to love interest, which I liked. She’s held a special place in my heart since then, and I was always sad to see when she was not in a game. (Srsly, LoS-your universe is perfect for her! Why not?)
additional questions:
What are your five favorite things about your fandom?

What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?

Who are your five favorite characters? Elora, Sparx, Spyro (Oldskool and LoS versions, FTW!), Bianca, Hunter. Not in any real order.
Who are your five least favorite characters? Moneybags, Malefor, Ember, Flame (what was your purpose?), the cheetahs from DotD (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME BUT WITH DIFFERENT MARKINGS AND COLORS! GRAHHHH!)
What are your five favorite pairings? SpyroElora, HunterBianca, ZoeSparx, Sgt.ByrdIsabella, SpyroCynder. As far as canon pairings go, anyway.
What are your five least favorite pairings? FlameEmber (uh…okay, fandom. Whatever you say), SpyroEmber, SpyroCrash (…okay, to be fair, I’ve only seen this once, so I don’t know if it counts. But I dunno, it’s sort of like shipping Mario and Sonic, you know?), SpyroIgnitus (DEAR SWEET GOD IN HEAVEN NO sorry kneejerk response), and SpyroCynder. Yes, I did list it as a favorite pairing, and as a least favorite pairing. It’s a love-hate relationship for me, really.
Which character are you most like? Haha! I wish I was like someone in this series. XD
What is your deep, dark fandom secret? I sort of wish there was more slash and femmeslash in this fandom, but I'm too embarassed to post any. These games are such a big part of my chidlhood, it would feel sort of dirty. And my sister would never look at me the same way again.

psychonauts, memes, final fantasy ix, sam and max, fandom, spyro the dragon, sonic the hedgehog

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