
Apr 08, 2010 23:36

Would you like them? Of course you would.

Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...
Independent Soul.

You are calm and logical, but not unemotional. You are an introvert, at heart, preferring to read alone than be subjected to the crush and noise of a big party or bar. You have a few friends and family, whose presence you welcome - to a point. Even they can wear on your nerves eventually, and you need to retreat back into your personal space for a while so you can recharge. Your energy comes in bursts, after which you need a long nap or a couple of evenings at home to recuperate.

You are comfortable with yourself, and reasonably confident. You want the friendship and goodwill of others, but you are not willing to sacrifice your principles in order to get it. If your close friends need something that you can provide, however, you will be the first to offer it.

You are a good and sympathetic listener, and are aware of your friend's emotional states. With your very close friends, you will open up, but rarely - you don't like to burden people with your problems. At the same time, though, you are honest and are not willing to alter the truth for the sake of convenience. Among strangers you are reserved, and may resort to making jokes to disguise your true feelings.

While you are not afraid of conflict, you do not seek it, either. When you are hurt or insulted, you feel that you have a choice to make. You can choose to take the up on it and defend yourself, or you can let it pass. Your decision may depend on how well you know the person, how personally you take the insult, or simply what mood you are in that day. Your friends may not always know how you are going to react, for that reason. Whatever you reaction, though, you will be logical, rational and unnervingly accurate: a measured strike.

Your daemon's form would represent your calm, introverted nature, your cool logic, and your impatience with crowds of people. He or she would probably whisper ironic comments in your ear, give logical advice and try to hide his or her soft side from everyone, even you.

Suggested forms:
Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.

Take The Golden Compass Daemon Test at HelloQuizzy

Somehow, I am not the least bit surprised. O.o

Also, because I haven't done anything fandom-related in some time, have some shipping memes. Technically, you're supposed to TELL me a fandom to fill this out for, but I'm impatient, and filled it out for two, anyway. If you'd like to tell me another, I'll do it, and of course you're free to steal this for your own LJ and do it CORRECTLY, if you want. I'll return the favor there, too. :)

One True Pairing Ship: SashaMilla. ^^
"One True Threesome" Ship: MaloofBennyMikhail, or, as I like to call it, Stockholm Syndrome at its youngest.
Canon Ship: RazLili, as well as well as the canon romances that occur between all the campers.
"Not quite canon but should be" Ship: AAGEAWFEAWGEAW FRANKEKITTY. Also CrystalClem. I’d also be okay with EdgarGloria or FredGloria, as well as JTChops.
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: EltonVernon. I get why people ship it, but it’s such a dumb reason. “Lol accidental but still canon!” Plus, given what their two characters are like, I don’t think I’d like their dynamic together. Vernon would take a shine to Elton, and would be too dense to realize that the way to ANYONE’S heart is not to go on long, monotone tangents, and Elton being too much of a doormat to tell him to go away. The whole thing would just be parasitic, and would probably end in Elton snapping and murdering Vernon. But I digress.
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: LabotoSasha.
"I'm one sick bastard" Ship: LabotoCrispin.
"I dabble a little" Ship: RazLili. :3 Also BobbyChloe.
"It's like a car crash" Ship: OleanderLaboto and FredCrispin. KittyQuentin and ElkaNils count, too, I think.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: FredBoyd
"Makes no canon sense but why the Hell not" Ship: PHOEBEMALOOF. CRACK OTP.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: PhoebeQuentin and MikhailMaloof. Best friend ships tend to be hit-and-miss with me, and in this case? I just really prefer them to be best friends, as well as future business associates (what with Phoebe and Quentin being bandmates and Maloof being Mikhail’s employer) Plus, the relationship between Phoebe and Quentin reminds me a LOT of the one I have with my sister, so, you know…DO NOT WANT. D: Also, there are people who ship VernonElton and BobbyClem. I’ve already said why I don’t like VernonElton, so now I’ll say why I can’t take BobbyClem seriously. Honestly? I think that theirs would be another parasitic relationship. Bobby would totally be in denial of being gay, and would probably send a lot of physical abuse Clem’s way. When he got over it, Clem would probably show affection to HIM…by killing him. You know, being suicidal and possibly homicidal? Come to think of it, if more ClemBobby and VernonElton fics ended the way I just listed, I think I’d actually enjoy reading them.
Guilty Pleasure ship: FrankeKitty, probably. Also FredCrispin.
"I can't believe I read it and liked it": The vast majority of FluffleNeCharka’s fanfic Love Works in Weird Ways.
"My first I could never abandon you" ship: MillaSasha. ^^
"When all is said and done" Ship: SashaMilla, again.

Favorite Devotionship: RazLili and ClemCrystal. FrankeKitty, since they’re too stuck up to really take an interest in anyone but each other.
Favorite Nevermetship: PhoebeMaloof? Also FordSheegor. OLD PEOPLE LOVE FTW.
Favorite Abuseship: LabotoCrispin. JasperBecky and JasperBonita are close runner-ups.
Favorite Rapeship: None, really.
Favorite AAWGENKI!ship: ClemCrystal counts, I think.
Favorite Pervyship: Uhhh…
Favorite DominanceBattleShip?: FredCrispin, LabotoCrispin, and OleanderLaboto
Ships you created?: PhoebeMaloof, I think.

One True Pairing Ship: SonicSally. First, foremost, and probably forever. Or at least until I die. SonicKnuckles frequently competes for this spot.
"One True Threesome" Ship: Uh…JetSonicKnuckles. ShadowRougeKnuckles and RougeKnucklesJulie-Su pique my interest, too, though.
Canon Ship: Again-SonicSally.
"Not quite canon but should be" Ship : SilverBlaze. Damnit, Sega…;_;
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: AnyoneRobotnik/Eggman.
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: RobotnikSnively. DO NOT WANT. D:
"I'm one sick bastard" Ship: MephilesSilver. What the Hell, self?
"I dabble a little" Ship: VectorEspio. <3
"It's like a car crash" Ship:  I think SilverBlaze fits under here. I KNOW how it’s gonna end up, but I can’t help but ship it. Poor things.
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship: KnucklesRouge
"Makes no canon sense but why the Hell not" Ship: TailsAmy. Also KnucklesBunnie.
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: ShadowKnuckles. SonicAmy and TailsCream, too.
Guilty Pleasure ship: SonicShadow and SonicSilver tie for this spot.
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" Ship: SonicMetal Sonic. It’s not that I didn’t like it before, I honestly just never thought about it. Others did, though, and I’m glad they did.
"My first I could never abandon you" ship: And, again; SonicSally.
"When all is said and done" Ship: SonicKnuckles. First yaoi pairing I ever liked, and all these years later, I still think they work marvelously well.

Favorite Devotionship: SilverBlaze. <3
Favorite Nevermetship: KnucklesBunnie. AlsoSallyAmy, if we’re talking SatAM!Sally and Sega!Amy.
Favorite Abuseship: MephilesSilver. I typically shy away from pairings like that, but the potential mindfuck this pairing offers intrigues me.
Favorite Rapeship: Does mental!rape count? If it does, MephilesSilver again. Though the physical rape might be ARGH NO SELF NO. BAD KASEY. BAD.
Favorite AAWGENKI!ship: TailsAmy. She IS the glomping sort, and they’re both pretty young and energetic, so…why not?
Favorite Pervyship: I’ve…got a concerning amount of them for this fandom. SonicKnuckles, SonicShadow, SonicJet, RougeBunnie, RougeWave, ShadowSilver, MephilesSilver, NicFiona…Think I’m gonna have to go with RougeBunnie. They’re hot, I’m shallow. Do the math.
Favorite DominanceBattleShip?: SonicKnuckles, though honorable mentions go to SonicShadow, SonicJet (Goddamn, Sonic, you’re a regular lil’ hedgewhore!), FionaRouge, RougeWave, and RougeJulie-Su (Rouge is another character I’ll pair with just about anyone, evidently)
Ships you created?: Don’t think I’ve created any, though I did ship TailsAmy before I realized that anyone else did.

psychonauts, memes, sonic the hedgehog

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