Nov 12, 2006 01:11
Blackalicious concert last night. I get in free because I am awesome and edit readmes. The two may or may not be connected. Anyway, the concert was pretty good, as Blackalicious is rap/hip-hop, only good, intelligent, and not melodically devoid. And it's always crazy to watch someone freestyle.
The opener was this Andrew Bird guy, who's a pretentious indie (ooh redundancy) rocker guy who whistles and plays the violin. Really, his music is pretty good, but it's not the stuff you can go to a concert and get into. It's better to just listen to while you're sitting around doing nothing. Though it is cool to watch a guy whistle and bust up a violin bow pretty bad. About a third of the people were hipsters who left after Bird finished, and then another group came in to replace them during intermission.
The show didn't get as many people as it should. CMU students are stupid and apathetic. They will only come out for a concert if you resurrect the Beetles, or put a tape recorder of the soundtrack to the Lord of the Rings on a stage.
Anyway, Mingus rocks.
Why is everything wet?