Jun 11, 2008 00:29
So... I don't really care if no one reads this. I mean, if you really want to know about the every thought that rattles thru my ever changing mind, or want to hear about the lame things I get up to in my pathetic attempt at life... then SURE!! Pull up a chair and enjoy a good old read. You might not have many brain cells left at the end of the page, but it could be amusing. I make no promises, 'cept to enter (or.. read on) at your own risk.
So my main reason for coming back to LiveJournal?.. I don't know really. I've said it before that I was going to detail events in my life, but that lasted a whole ONE entry. WOO.. GO TEAM TALEAH!
But now I think its more or a way to get things out of my head. So I can think more clearly. To leave a trace that I actually did something with my life. Because I actually forget things.
I remember way back in the day.. LJ was the best tool in solving a debate between friends and I. We could always check back to LJ because some one would have undoubtably written something about whatever we did, hence ending the argument. (I usually won!)
So for me right now.. It's all about the dollar. Earning the dollar. Spending the dollar. Stressing, and worrying, and wanting to commit crimes over the dollar. I got made redundant. I have a mortgage. I have a very large car loan. My job hunting isn't going so well. Banks won't approve me a credit card. I CAN'T SURVIVE WITH OUT THE DOLLAR!! :(
It doesn't help I want to live a life like Paris Hilton. With the money... and the social commitments... and the money. They say money doesn't buy happines... but I think who ever says that just doesn't have enough money. Or hasn't been able to experience the joy in spending a shit load of dosh. I know I haven't but I can all but visualise it. It's like it's just a inch away, but that inch may as well be the other side of the planet, because I will never have money. I know that. Whatever. I will deal with it. NOT.
Money is corrupt. It divides families. It is EVIL!!
I want to go back to the days when you grew crops and traded for what ever you needed. There was no pressure to have a nicer car, or better clothes, or a bigger house... To live happily and content would be nice.
The hardest thing in life is to want something and not be able to have it.
because that just SUCKS! .. I want to hide under the doona and not get up in the mornings. sometimes its just all too hard.
Maybe I'm just selfish. Or needy. Or want too many things?
But.. I just want things that other people have. Why should they gets things that I can't? Where is all the fairness... Don't get me wrong, I don't want to live in a communist society.. I just want nice things. And to be able to do what I want, when I want. That's really what it all boils down to. So maybe I am selfish.
I know I'm flighty. I know I always change my mind at the last minute. I'm impulsive and don't generally take into consideration what others are thinking or feeling.. damn. I am a selfish person. Well... that sucks!
well.. I didn't think I'm come to that conclusion during this typing frenzy... I was just writing what ever came into my head... inbetween scratching my new tattoo. Which I should be leaving alone, I know! but it's itchy!! and driving me nutts!! and I like peeling and picking and stuff. I know it sounds pretty grose, but what ever. I'm cool with it. Like, when you get REALLY sunburnt and peel... I'll peel skin off you. Yes, I'm a little creepy, but I'm ok with that. Just don't put a spider or any blood near me. I'll scream! and it won't be quiet either.
ok.. thats enough of sleep deprived muttering. To bed me thinks. But I bet I won't be able to sleep. I need a night cap...
... I wonder if I'm turning into an alcoholic. For real real! I have drank every day this week.
I need to buy more wine.