ROUND 1: Author Check-In

Mar 22, 2013 15:15

It's that time, folks! We're a little over halfway there, for those of you only writing one story.

Please be aware that this check-in is MANDATORY. All authors have one week to respond to this post, no matter which date your fic drafts are due. Failure to respond by March 29, 2013 @ 11:59 PM CST means we are assuming that you have dropped out without notice, and will be assigning your artist(s) a pinch-hitter.

  • Artists, if you know your author is making progress on their fic and, for whatever reason, they can't get here to respond in time, please feel free to speak up for them. We just need to know that everyone is confident they'll make the deadline.

  • Authors who are writing more than one fic, and feel confident one or more of them will be ready to go for the first draft deadline (April 19th), are of course free to let us know they want to be added to the first posting schedule, instead of waiting until May.

  • We can always use more pinch-hitters, so if you think you can spare the time to be someone's hero, go here to sign up.

  • The general discussion post is still open and will remain so until the end of the challenge.

  • If you need to drop one of your stories, or drop out entirely, a heads-up would be much appreciated. PM dareversebbmod or e-mail to let us know.
Without further ado:


Feel free to go into more detail on your answers, ask questions, and/or whet our appetites by posting a small snippet from your story in the comments. The last part is just for fun and totally optional.

! mod: 2013, ! mod: check-in

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