I fucking hate you, Pavlov.

Aug 03, 2007 21:43

Okay, so it wasn't actually anything he did. More like the conditioned response that bears his name.
For the past five years, I have worked at a youth camp. This camp has a lake of their own, and the kids swim in it. Which means there is a very real possibility of a kid drowning in it. The alert for such an emergency at the camp is an air raid siren(well, actually, for this camp, it's a fire truck siren atop a big ol' pole). Now, naturally, one would build up an instantaneous reaction to it after a year of working there. I've been working there FIVE FUCKING YEARS. I have a rather strong reaction to sirens. It's bad enough now, no matter where I am, if I hear a siren, I instantly get a load of adrenaline dumped into my bloodstream. Even if it's in a song I'm listening to. I just heard such a song, and for some reason, panicked more than I usually do, which resulted in a panic attack. I think I'm ok again.

Fwee... -.-
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