Drabble call!

Jul 06, 2010 11:21

So, here's the dealio, guys. I'm at work right now, and SUPER bored, and dying to write something. Anything, really. So I'm having a drabble call!

Let's say the first five people to respond will get something written? If my boredom persists, I may do more. Conversely, if work suddenly gets insanely busy (ha), I may do less.

I will write absolutely any fandom I'm familiar with. The ones I have written for before are HIMYM, Glee, Supernatural, Dr. Horrible, Castle, Firefly, Pushing Daisies, and Harry Potter, and maybe some others I'm forgetting that I've done random crossovers with. But I will try ANYTHING.

1. A:TLA, Toph, rocky relationship for magpieinthesky Here!
2. A:TLA/Harry Potter crossover for otempora42 Here!
3. Harry Potter, Draco/Hermione, secret for tempestdance
4. Harry Potter/Supernatural, Dean and Sam vs. Voldemort for idioticonion
5. HIMYM, Ted/Marshall, "This one time..." for snogged
6. PD, Digby and Pigby for loquaciousambie
7. Something for dozmuffinxc

job: durrin productions, fanfiction

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