Jan 20, 2007 01:16
So am I allowed to pray for a more interesting life so that I can please those around me who wish to read this pathetic blog about my pathetic life where nothing happens? Sweet...get on that alright?
Sunday is the true test I guess right Liz? Eeeek.
I have been watching television lately which is odd for me because I dont watch it normally. I was watching this show about young and rich hollywood stars. I wonder why celebrity's drug of choice is cocaine? I wonder who they buy it from? Does someone buy it for them? Does someone pick it up for them? Do their managers and staff know that they do that? How can they hide it, or use it for that matter if cameras are constantly on them?
I wish I could explain...but I can't.
It's really late and I snuck my computer into my room so that I didnt have to go back and forth between my room and the living room and my door squeaks really loudly when I open it. So I left a note on Glenn's chair that gave him my word that I would bring it back out to the living room in the morning.
I'm sleepy though. In my note I said I was planning on staying up very late. 1:30 is late considering for a while I went to bed before 10. That was amazing. What happened? Oh yeah...
Boys are stupid. So are dreams. I hate dreams. Stupid stupid stupid dreams. Why can't I dream about something REALLY great happening to me? I'm so selfish. I love it.
Jordan Kong scored her 1000 point. I think that is so rad. I can't get over it.
Too bad she thought I was hitting on her the other day! That made things REALLY awkward all day.
Art is a frustrating class because I feel like I suck and I dont want to show my stuff to anyone especially the teachers because if I do suck I dont want them to realize it and think about it. But Mrs. Bradon who flipping makes the world go around with her amazingness is like...my favourite person to see during the day. She was like "dont ever think you cannot draw, I've seen hundreds of designers who cannot draw a stick figure. this is great." and I'm like "I love you."
My head hurts but this is to be expected. I've been sick all week. Now I'm coughing and it suuuucks. Sneezing sucks too. Because you never know if you are going to blow snot out or not. And when you do, you cover your mouth really quickly so that no one sees it but everyone knows what just happened and doesnt want to say anything and its just really awkward. I hate that.
Flip. I'm done. Happy? I love how I write, and it's never recipricated. I have no clue if that is the right word. You get my point. Now get on that...