Feb 24, 2005 20:23
Apperently Michael found out I have a livejournal. Do I care? Let me think on that just for a moment...hmm...NO! God, he can be a really annoying prick sometimes. Oh, and on the request of Chris Case, I am going to rant about him.
Okay, so for the longest time he wondered why I hated him. Well, how hard is it to find out? I mean, I know he has little to no intelligence, but Jesus H. Christ!!! I mean, he would call me something, throw things at me, or put ketchup in my hair *grumblegrumbletoadrassafrassen* then come up to me and be like, "Oh Sarah, why do you hate me? Just tell me!" I mean, DUH! How hard is it to friggin see? Jerk...
Anyway, I'm done with my rantings for that. Okay, now onto another rant...
Is it the rage now adays for girls who are smart and pretty, and TRYING to be humble totally belittle themselves? I mean, I'm not going to put names, but you all know who you are. You are all FINE. Stop putting yourself down and maybe actually listen to what people say about you being awesome or pretty or smart, and actually start to realize that what they say is true and you can actually act on it! It isn't being a brat or full of yourself, but it's beliving what people are saying.
Oh, and I know this is bad to say to people who don't really understand it themselves, but CUTTING IS NOT SMART!!!!!!!!! Okay, got that out too. Woah! I'm just on a roll! AND ANITRA'S DANCE STARTED PLAYING!!! HELL. YES.
The play's tomorrow. Holy Macaroni!!! I'm actually not nervous. Go figure. Oh well, at least I don't have to go to any of my classes and I can laugh at the kids in PE...but wait...they're probably gonna watch me on stage...SHIT!!!
Oh well, I should proably go...just probably.
Adeiu! And remember, Jesus loves you, but I still hate you.