Oct 20, 2004 20:55
GOD!!!! MY LIFE IS SHIT!!! ABSOLUTE AND COMPLETE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for that outburst, but I had to say something. Not only is Ali being the BIGGEST and most AWEFUL blackmailing bitch EVER, but she is threatening to tell EVERYONE who I like (No, not Gerard Butler! But I do like him...a lot..he's a sexy beast...) and even though I assume he knows, hey, thinking that he doesn't know has gotten me through this past school year, though it hasn't even been half. Ah...that famous sentance comes up "ignorance is bliss!" Yet, she's threatening to tell EVERYONE I know that I like him, even him, in front of me if I piss her off one more time. GOD!! EVERYTHING I DO FUCKIN' PISSES HER OFF!!! So now, I have to watch my step around her and not piss her off...this is torture! I even told everyone who she used to like, and that gave no effect...god, I need some blackmail on her...I hate to be blackmailed it feels so...so...low....and yet, the only thing giving me happiness now is that funny ol' bloke Happy Noddle Boy, and the fact I get out of PE for 4 weeks because of a hairline fracture in my pinky toe, and POTO!!!! God, I love PotO, and that brings me to other points. Why does everyone think I can't sing? I can sing really well! But when I tell people I'm going to audition for the musical, they're all like "Right Sarah, I'm sure you'll do SO well." I think it's because I'm fat. Like, when I auditioned for a solo in choir in Pinewood, they all stared gawking at me because I had a good voice, and all Kendyll could say was "I had no idea!" And yet, people are going back to that. Ahh...I shall prove them wrong yet again! I love doing that, being underestimated and proving my worth. Like when I threw Kevin into Jessica in science. Proved that son-of-a-bitch wrong!