Mar 14, 2002 14:16
wow it actuly arived i had my douts, frances really likes it i'm glad cause she was worryed and all, i tryed it on it didn't really fit me...i haven't the bust for it :(
talked about tickle and death with frances thismoring,it's becomeign esayer to tlka about with out breaking down, but it *hurts* inside so much. i haddn't really thought abotu this till i sore it in franks journal. " i miss u so much i find it hard to breath sumtimes"..i haddn't noticed it but it's really like that i think of him and then i think about how the last time i sore him is always going to be the last time and i stop breathing for a moment then i feel sick and have to tell myself it's not happing...this is al so odd and new..i never want to ahve to go trough this every again with sumone i love i can't...i must make sure i look out for my friends,as they are all i have left...oh fuck they acctuly mum and dad anymore really i never see them and when i do i can't stay long cuase my mother scares me a LOT!!.....I love my friends so much and can't lose anther.grrr shut up Rowan no ones caring about this all. so go back in YOUR BOX and tlak to your self!