Hey whats up!$! me nothing much herr im so bored i have nothing to do i have to go get my nails done though but thats later later hahaha..
this morning i was all awake i had like a bad dream then a wierd dream then like a good dream so i i woke up and i didnt want to go back to sleep !@!
I had to go to the store and it is so hot outside because i had just gotten out of the shower and by the time i got to the store my hair was all frizzy and dry i was all mad haha im such a girl now hahaha!$!
oh and my baby brother had to got to the docters today poor baby he didn't want to go
gosh well i better go and hit my dumb stepsister she gets on my
nerves ahh!#!
Love Lotz
Ezmeralda Q. De La Cruz