Hey every1, wats up. Ok on thursday was the big marlins game I was dying to go to. Omg was it worth wait, cuz I was almost dying wen I saw Miguel Cabrera and I took a lot of pics of him. But I prefer not to show cuz othem sum1 will claim its theirs so hahaha.... gottta ask me in person to c them lol. But yuh then yesterday was the big flag football game w/ my boys (gabriel, jorge,kasey, josh, gerry, roger, anthony, chris, etc.) vs. the teachers. *woot-woot* They did so gr8, and I was so proud of them lol. So if u r reading Gabriel, Jorge or whoeva...gr8 job tha day! The only prob was, it was so hot outside...I swear I thought I was gunna burn as if I was @ the beach but overall i had a gr8 time. Well ttyl, g2g find sumthin to do today....
Hehe Thaz me....
hey its my boys rite b4 their game....in the huddle (Gabriel, Gerry, Chris, & Jorge)