Good evening

Apr 20, 2006 22:53

I'm a happy camper. We just had our first guest presenter at my Perl User Group meeting; he was an excellent speaker, on a great topic [1], followed up by some good local-ish [2] beer, and biking home in shorts and tee-shirt for a total of ~10km today. And melted_snowball is coming in 2.5 days, huzzah huzzah.

Logistically, in the list of: preparing the talk, presenting the talk, reserving the room, ordering and getting the pizza, paying for the pizza, and cleaning up after the pizza, I only had to do one item. There have been many months when I didn't have to do most of them (some when I did) but I think this time it was distributed more evenly; two people each did two items, the other two were chiefly done by one person each. That is to say, I think we're more organized. I think if I were to be hit by a bus, the group would continue. Which is a good stage to be at.

[1] Cees Hek spoke to us on AJAX - Dynamic web sites with DHTML and Perl: How to use the popular Prototype library to fill your web application with flashy widgets such as draggable lists, autocompleting text boxes and transition effects. With a focus on HTML::Prototype and CGI::Application.

That is to say, some of the magick behind gmail, flickr, and such; sending data without reloading pages. With a minimum of fuss/writing XML (ugh).

[2] I've been corrected. It was by Molson. (*sigh* Shows what I know about beer.) But it was still OK beer; Rickard's Red.

geek, bike, perl, fun, d

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