(no subject)

Sep 11, 2004 12:13

... and indeed, it is just as easy to post using centericq. It even stores my outgoing entry when I quit the program. Lots of behaviours follow the principle-of-least surprise, and I really like the simple interface.

So, then, why did I bother changing the default background on my lj page, much as, why am I writing a *second* entry?

Perhaps the answer is a contradiction of my first answer- I might have bugger all to write, after all.

It was distinctly gratifying to discover that three of the five people I put onto my friends-list immediately put me on theirs. The other two can be excused; one had never met me (I've only known of him through my partner, d, though I'm sure I'd like him if we ever meet). And the other person is, I understand, pretty darn busy.

So, you'll excuse me while I go and fill in some more of my profile, and go see if I can find other friends of mine around lj.

geek, lj, d

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