(no subject)

Oct 31, 2004 17:27

Yesterday was a good day; rich and full.

We finally got our butts in gear and went to dim sum brunch with Chris, a guy I know through local geek stuff. It was really good- certainly the best chinese food I've had in town. And fast, too- we sort of felt we should give them their table back because of the lunch rush, but even if we'd lingered another 10 minutes, it would have barely been an hour-long lunch.

Parenthetically, I can't help but wonder, if we've lived here three years before trying this place for dim sum, what else could we have we been missing while we complain to each other about the town? (I could rattle off a laundry list of things we miss, but I won't because that would be deperessing.)

Well, OK, just one: it would be great if it didn't feel like the town rolled up its sidewalks at 9pm on weekends. OK, I feel better for sharing.

Also yesterday: we took care of a couple errands, which weren't so bad because the weather was so warm (20C / 68F). We started on a long walk with Rover, but the skies threatened to open up on us, so we aborted and instead d tried to take a nap while I did round 3 of raking. Which the trees happily made superfluous because it was windy. Oh well.

I also got to hang out with our friend leslie, who I think d and I have blogged about before, but is one of the neater people who live in our neighborhood. She's a talented writer and a "butch mamma" (in her own words). She threw her back out yesterday but still came downstairs to say hi and chat for ten minutes, even though I told her to go back to bed. Like I said, butch.

In the evening, d made a yummy comfort-food meal of roast duck breast, mashed root veggies, and wilted baby spinich.

I love d for lots of reasons, but one of them is that he'll whip up something really great just because he feels like good food. No muss, no fuss. Of course, that could be partly because I do most of the cleanup. Still, good deal I say.

Later on, we went to see "Team America" which was better and worse than I expected. The marionette oral sex scene was funny, as was Kim Jong Il's song about how lonely it is to be a brilliant dictator. On the other hand, a few jokes were repeated too many times (Film Actor's Guild, and references to too many testosterone action movies I haven't seen...)

I can't say I would recommend it to others, though if you liked the South Park movie, you'll probably like this one. Much like after seeing the SP movie, I feel like washing my brain out with soap, which isn't a terribly nice feeling.

Ah yes, and I remembered to change all the clocks... forward. Oops. But then this morning I felt like I'd gotten TWO extra hours of day when d pointed it out to me. Yay, loads of extra time! :) Gotta figure out how to do that more often. Or something.

rover, wtf?, food, film, d

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