On my walk with Rover, my iPod decided to make me a random playlist. As far as I can tell, it was a shuffle of everything, 5327 songs.
The first four songs were a great combo:
Laurie Anderson - Statue of Liberty: she says, "...It's a good day / To run away / Freedom is a scary thing / Not many people really want it."
The Cure / Open ("I really don't know what I'm doing here / I really think I should've gone to bed tonight but...")
Brian Eno, Music for Airports / Ambient 1/2
O Brother Where Art Thou / Highways and Hedges
And then we got a middle chapter of the book
Stumbling on Happiness, where Daniel Gilbert helpfully reminds us that "most people do prefer to have more freedom than less. Even if it makes them less happy."
So, is he agreeing with Laurie Anderson, or disagreeing. I'm not sure. Maybe my electronics want to remind me that free choice isn't always the ticket to happiness.
How was your day? Mine included excellent raw fish at Taka Sushi; and good news from two different parties about job offers. So, not so bad overall.