
Jan 11, 2009 15:03

melted_snowball and I just took a fairly long Sunday Constitutional. We passed by the regional children's museum, which just opened an exhibit on Andy Warhol. So, it's interesting that Warhol has now become acceptable to teach to kids, which I suppose means they've built up enough socially-acceptable history or pseudo-history to paper over any hint of dangerous unacceptability? Or maybe that's just the cynic in me. We'll probably go see this some time soon to give us a better idea. As d. pointed out, the exhibit we saw with metalana in '06 did have a bit of the scary, but was fairly tame and "family friendly" (for certain values of family).

It's also interesting that they've programmed quite the speaker-series for Sunday afternoons through April, (jumping out for me: "Feb 1st - Kathy Battista, Director of Sotheby’s Insistute of Art, New York with Marie Burns and Amanda Kesner on Warhol, Wigs and Women: Identity Politics in Warhol’s Practice"). No mention of when on Sunday these talks are, though.

But I think the most interesting part of this was, one evening last week, Dave FM had a very long (3 minute?) discussion of why you should go to this exhibit and what Warhol is most famous for (Campbell's soup can, product design, "many films", no mention of sex). On the pop radio station. Which feels surprisingly subversive to me, pop radio talking about pop art.

local, don't shake the art

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