(no subject)

Nov 05, 2008 00:00

Watching Obama's acceptance speech get underway right now.

A link from 538 pointed to an old photo of Obama, which pointed to his flickr page. guy's pretty organized. He (or maybe his staff) use tags and everything. And, apparently, iPhoto.

Their website which made volunteering so easy? Designed by Chris Hughes, one of the four creators of Facebook.

Mr. Hughes and other Obama aides say that their candidate gravitates naturally toward social networking, so much so that he even filled out his own Facebook profile two years ago. Mr. Obama has pledged that if he is elected, he will hire a chief technology officer; Mr. Hughes’s face lights up at the thought.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Heh. And Obama's kids get their dog.

politics, yes we did, web

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