This is partly a post for me to link to in my todo list for next spring, because I want to think about longer days (wah, it's so dark at 4:20...)
One Straw Revolution, written by a guy who's doing permaculture in his subdivision. (He wisely got himself elected president of the neighborhood assn first!) He also has a basic essay on
"Ecological 'Yardening'", covering the basics of lawn maintenance/eradication, vegetable gardening, etc.
His tips on how to get started reducing grass lawn appear sound and reasonably simple. Though I think the title "yardening" is too twee. Perhaps re-reading this in the spring will inspire me after I never did get started on replacing any of the yard with attractive perennials last year. Though- I did encourage the ivy to come out from the house into the yard, with careful mowing. And I'll revisit this in April.
Also: the
Eat Well Guide is a database of local farms, stores, and restaurants, from Canada and the US. It's an interesting find, and I'm curious if their overall coverage is better than for our area- it completely lacks most of the local sources I know of; but it would be neat to see this grow up to be a proper international guide. I'm going to point them at the "Eat Local Eat Fresh" "
Buy Local Buy Fresh" database, which is slightly less user-friendly but much more complete for locals. The Eat Well Guide is from the folks who did the "meatrix" movie(s), which means I have mixed feelings about it- the movies are histronic and a bit misleading, but... it's not like there needs to be a monopoly on media messages about organic cruelty-free meat farms.