Quickie Game Review: Lego Star Wars for the Wii

Nov 10, 2007 23:34

This afternoon elbie_at_trig showed off Lego Star Wars for the Wii- it's fun. The entire Star Wars series is turned into sets of puzzles to be solved by your collection of Lego characters. It has wonderful Lego touches: you can use the force on various objects, and either they will move around, or they will burst into constituent Lego bricks. You can run a light-saber through a Protocol Droid, and it will shed Lego-shaped pieces. If you hack its leg off, it will continue following you around at a hop.

The cut-scenes were an appropriate cartoony 2-levels-more-silly than the movies. (Before Darth Vader shows up you see stormtroopers lounging looking bored, spinning around in office chairs.)

The puzzles seemed appropriately difficult- some were hand/eye coordination, and some were logic/exploration. The controls were... less exciting than I'd hoped for; the wiimote controlling a light-saber just has to wave back and forth to use it, or you can press a button instead. :/

Fun diversion, this. :)

games, review

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