Dear Bicyclist,

Feb 05, 2007 09:39

I'm totally behind people biking four seasons, if they know what they are doing. You, on the other hand, should not be biking in the winter. No helmet, biking through stoplights, nearly tangling your scarf in your tires: all, not good.

I'm totally behind bicyclists claiming their lane, even if it inconveniences cars, because University Ave isn't plowed properly. No, that's not quite true; I wish you hadn't slowed traffic to a crawl, but meh, that's OK. That still doesn't mean I think you should've been biking.

But, after I mentally composed this letter, having the chance to actually speak to you when you were parked and having a smoke outside the Chemistry buildings, I bit back 3/4 of this letter, because I knew you wouldn't listen. All I said was please, please, wear a helmet; and that I knew a number of people who biked in the winter and likely would've died, had they not been wearing helmets. Beyond the concern about helmets, I hope you eventually figure out the rest.
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