Supercool x3

Jan 23, 2007 18:20

Courtesy gmaps_sights: To celebrate Australia Day, Google is doing a super-low flyover of Sydney this Friday. They've put up a live pointer of where the plane will be at any given time of the day, and they're recommending people wear distinctive clothing, go outside, and wave at the plane if they want to be put into Google Earth and Google Maps. *super-jealous*.

The second thing is: clementines! Via james_nicoll: Zehr's is selling a big box (2.3kg) of clementines for $5, and damn but they're tasty. It's all sort of weird given Florida's citris clobbering, but these are from South America instead. I'm not happy about what's gonna happen to the price of citrus this year, though.

Finally, I'm looking forward to d. coming home this evening. Not till 9:30pm, but I'll take it.

food, maps, d

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